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“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. “ Matthew 6:33-34

It is with a full heart that I close this chapter of my life at Manchester United Methodist Church. Many of you watched me grow from my infant baptism in 1987 to a leader in our church. You have witnessed my passion for the Lord and commitment to His service. You have lovingly supported me through the challenges and joys of life, and I know you join me in celebrating God’s faithfulness for bringing me an amazing husband. What a good God we serve!

 As I complete my final days on staff, prepare to marry Jonathan, and move to Minnesota, I am full of hope and anticipation for the future. I trust that the Lord will care for my “tomorrow,” as well as yours. The key is that we must seek His kingdom, and not our own. He is the one who sustains us in every way. When we seek His will above ours He is glorified.

 My love for MUMC does not end on my last day of work. I will continue to pray for you – please, continue to pray for me!


Kelsey Signature







Kelsey’s last Sunday will be August 9th, and her last day in the office will be Thursday, August 13.  She will marry Jonathan Vazquez over Labor Day weekend and move to Minneapolis following their brief honeymoon.  Her new mailing address is



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