What a success!

Thank you to all who supported the Ice Cream social last night!  We served approximately 250 people, and the food was delicious…especially all the fantastic pie!  We are still counting the money raised by this super-yummy event; we will give you the total soon,...

Farewell from Kels

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. “ Matthew 6:33-34 It is with a full heart that I close this chapter of my life at...


Al’s bible study – which meets on either Mondays at 10:30am in the Library or Sundays in the Parlor after church – will begin a new study next week.  Revival will kick off on  August 3, 10:30 a.m. and Sunday, August 9, 10:30 a.m. The groups that meet...


There are so many wonderful, exciting things on the horizon for Manchester United Methodist Church!  We don’t want to simply tell you these things in a borrrrrring way.  No!  We want to show you on August 30 at SUPER-FUN-DAY SUNDAY! Join us at 9am for Worship in...

Celebrate with us THIS SUNDAY!

What a sweet week we have experienced during Vacation Bible School!  The theme was “EVEREST – Conquering God’s challenges with God’s mighty power!”  Be sure to join us this Sunday, July 26 at 9am for our Worship Service.  A portion of the...
It’s not too late!

It’s not too late!

It’s not too late! “Too late for what?”  you might ask. It’s not too late to help with VBS!  We need someone to sign-in kiddos at the Registration Desk.  This job is especially important on Monday, July 20, and is perfect for anyone who cannot...